World Children's Foundation

The World Children's Foundation ( shortened to DCF), was founded on May 16, 2023 in Istanbul on the initiative of a group of volunteers. DCF, which will continue its charitable activities, is characterized by its projects for children.

DCF aims to work in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Child, which states: “States Parties shall respect and ensure the rights set forth in the present Convention to every child within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind, regardless of the race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status of the child, his or her parents or guardians.”.



The purpose of the World Children's Foundation is to support science and scientific research in education, to contribute to children, youth, middle and high school students at home and abroad, and to contribute to scholarship, liberalism, democracy, equality, international perspective and quality of education.

A further aim of the DCF is to promote solidarity and tolerance in all areas and to provide financial support for social activities such as art and culture as well as publications in this field.


Activities of the Foundation

The Foundation carries out all types of activities within the framework of the necessary legal authorizations in order to achieve its purpose. In order to achieve this goal, the Foundation awards scholarships to students at home and abroad at every level of education and supports them with their accommodation and other needs, among other purposes.

The foundation also supports private and public institutions that provide services for the disabled and people in need of care, as well as their digital equipment structures.

It supports private and public institutions that provide library services for children and opens its own children's libraries in this area.

The foundation establishes, operates or donates kindergartens, schools, residential homes, social facilities and courses in various fields and subjects. After obtaining official approvals, it organizes school construction campaigns and prepares projects to be carried out in kindergartens and schools. It opens and runs art and cultural centers and supports children.